A fun undertaking and wonderful collaboration!!!!
November 30, 2022
My Dream House
June 19, 2023Over the past few years I have remembered and shared the following quote by Erin Van Vuren which has helped to add meaning and comfort to me during these trying times:
“There are four things in this life that will change you. Love, music, art and loss. The first three will keep you wild and full of passion. May you allow the last to make you brave.” This quote resonates with everything that has transpired as of late. My heart is broken yet it’s also full of hope. My feelings are contradictory. I look for signs. My life is my art and I create it as I go along. I want to make a positive difference.
My grandfather’s happy place was his garden. He loved working in his yard, dutifully pruning his trees and rose bushes. It was hard work for him but it brought him such pride and pleasure and eventually everything bare grew back to be beautiful and lush. His landscaping accomplishments made an everlasting impression on me and I love remembering him in this way.
As a continuation of Mutt’s legacy, when my husband and I purchased our home, one of our projects was to plant a towering tree canopy to keep our home cool and minimize our carbon footprint. It’s unfortunate that some of the shrubbery doesn’t survive so I’m also in plant removal and relocation mode, discovering agaves and bromeliads beneath the overgrowth. The ongoing enthusiasm and energy it takes to beautify and maintain an outdoor space can be arduous but is one of my most fulfilling pleasures.
Writing has always been another form of self-expression for me. It’s cathartic and revealing and something I always look back on and read with wonder. I’ve journaled many times over the years always with the intention of continuing but I start only to stop over and over again.
But the big news is that I decided to start a new business! Like the song; I picked myself up, dusted myself off and started all over again. I’m energized and very excited to be generating income and also using my knowledge, creativity and passion. Although I’ve been a business owner of Art in the Fast Lane for the past 25 years, I’m a newbie again. 2023 is starting off wonderfully as I’m throwing myself back into the ring and embarking on a fun adventure again! Wish me luck!